Scaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaary! Jac made this picture of me and calls me the 'febreze faerie'. That's weeeeeeird. I tried posting it, it would work on my blog but not on this one. Odd, huh?
Remember, Be Excellent to Each Other and Party On.
Do you feel I should have spelled "faerie" as "F-A-I-R-Y" instead? I was debating this. "Faerie" looks way cooler. But it might be the Satan spelling. I hope not.
Naw..I just looked on Dictionary.com and the cool spelling is actually normal. It says nothing about Satan. But it does say it's an "Old French" spelling. Though some would argue that that would prove its heinousness.
jac-atac, at 11:57 AM
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