Sunday is dah bomb
don't ask me why Sunday is "dah bomb", it just is. I mean, I get to hang out with cool ppl in the morning, get McDonald's, sometimes have drama practice, then I go home, sleep, sit around, then something is usually going on at night. Sundays are the best days. I like Wednesday's too, but Wednesday's have school in them. Wednesday would dominate all the rest of the days if it wasn't for school. The only time I don't mind having school on Wednesday, is the last day of school. You always start and end on a Wednesday. Wednesdays are always the days that we have SYATP. SYATP is awesome. Therefore, that Wednesday is awesome. It isn't awesome when you have picture day and it's raining outside. But we were really troopers that day, we stood out there all morning and prayed, no matter how wet our hair was getting. My pic still turned out bad even though i had pictures the last hour and my hair was completely dry. Oh well. There's always next year.
I like Sunday. I like Wednesday. Boo for school.
I'm slow. )=
[ brooke ], at 4:04 PM
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